What advice would you give to people considering a career in teaching?
Teaching is a fun and engaging choice for anyone who hates being stuck behind a desk and enjoys being creative while problem-solving. As a teacher of students with visual impairments (TVI), I love finding workarounds for accessibility and inclusion, and particularly enjoy applying technology in novel ways to support students' independence in their community. TVIs get to work 1:1 with students while escaping the pressures of classroom management, and there is a serious shortage of qualified personnel EVERYWHERE. What does that mean? There are always plenty of jobs available, financial and spiritual compensation can't be beat, and I'm often my own boss! The educational vision field is perfect for anyone who likes to work independently and exercise creativity.
What's the best thing about teaching?
It's an ongoing exercise in my own learning and problem-solving abilities! I enjoy challenging myself with each student that I work with, and find joy in supporting the development of students' skills and abilities to reach their potential. As an itinerant TVI, I also appreciate that my teaching practice includes daily opportunities to educate the community on equal access and opportunities for people of all abilities.