Successful teacher recruitment requires the participation of organizations and individuals involved in education,
business, and the larger community. TEACH California has partnered with the following organizations in order to promote
their positive contributions to teacher recruitment, increase their visibility, and strengthen our combined efforts to address
California's teacher shortage. We are very excited about the potential benefits of working together, in partnerships for California
teacher recruitment.
Your organization may submit a request to become a TEACH California Partner. Send an email to Contact Us and begin the process.
- Advisory Commission on Special Education, State of California
The Commission is an advisory body that provides recommendations and advice to the State Board of Education, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Legislature, and the Governor in new or continuing areas of research, program development and evaluation in California special education.
- Alliant International University
Alliant International University is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) and our teaching credential programs are approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). Alliant offers online single subject, multiple subject and education specialist (mild to moderate support needs) credential programs with term starts every 8 weeks. You can complete your program (student teaching or intern track) in 14-16 months and earn your master’s degree with only 2-3 extra courses! To learn more and/or to receive an application fee waiver please contact
- Association of California Community College Teacher Education Programs (ACCCTEP)
ACCCTEP's mission is to promote the establishment, advancement and sustainability of quality teacher education in California community colleges as an essential component of higher education teacher preparation programs. The vision is to increase the number and quality of lower division teacher education programs in California, that are focused on increasing the number of students from diverse backgrounds who have dedicated themselves to the field of education and support these students through high quality academic preparation integrated with multiple early field experiences and early employment.
- Association of California School Administrators (ACSA)
The Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) represents more than 16,000 superintendents, principals, vice-principals, classified managers and confidential employees throughout the state. The mission of ACSA is to support California's educational leaders, ensure all students have the skills and knowledge needed to excel, and to champion public education.
- Azusa Pacific University
Azusa Pacific University offers programs approved by California’s Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) which authorize service for elementary and secondary classrooms. Additionally, all of the programs offered in the Division of Teacher Education are accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), which is transitioning to the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). As one of largest credential-granting institutions in California, APU produces credentialed teachers who are professionally prepared to provide quality educational programs that effectively meet the needs of the children and youth in public and private schools.
- Butte College
Learn about our program at
- Cabrillo College (A California Community College)
The Teacher Preparation Pipeline program mission is to identify future teachers and give them an opportunity to start their career pathway to teaching by starting at the community college level. This program is designed to support students that are interested in K-12 education and/or students and professionals working in industry who want to teach CTE. Investigate a community college two-year education. Cost: $46/unit plus other fees.
- Cal State East Bay - Department of Teacher Education
We offer multiple subject and single subject credentials in a 1 year cohorted format. In selected subject areas the single subject credential is also offered in an online format.
- California Association of Private Special Education Schools (CAPSES)
CAPSES is dedicated to preserving and enhancing the leadership role of the private sector in offering quality alternative services to students with disabilities. By providing the highest quality instruction, therapy, guidance and advocacy to their clients, CAPSES members strive to help special education students maximize their potential to lead independent and dignified lives. We are able to build that potential by working together to ensure that appropriate services to all eligible students and their families are provided consistently.
- California Association of Resource Specialists and Special Education Teachers (CARS+)
Our sole purpose is to represent the unique needs of special educators. Board members work to encourage educators entering the field and support them while they are there.
- California Association of School Psychologists (CASP)
CASP is a state professional membership association that recruits school psychologists by presenting and promoting the profession to psychology undergraduates, and running free employment advertisements online. California School Psychology Foundation also funds Cultural and Linguistic Minority Scholarships.
- California Baptist University
CBU’s School of Education offers the following credentials: Multiple Subject, Single Subject, Administrative Services, Pupil Personnel Services for School Counseling or for School Psychology, and Special Education in Mild to Moderate Support Needs and Extensive Support Needs. The program also offers an option to complete a dual credential in Special Education Mild to Moderate Support Needs with a Single Subject or Multiple Subject. Each credential provides students an option to add a Master of Science in Education degree with a corresponding specialization or one of the following: International Education, Instructional Computer Applications, Educational Technology, or Special Education. The Credential program is designed to be completed in 3-4 semesters, with an additional 2-3 semesters to complete the master’s degree.
- California Center on Teaching Careers
The Tulare County Office of Education (TCOE), lead agency for the California Center on Teaching Careers, has a long and successful history of collaboration across districts, county offices, community colleges, universities, business and community organizations to develop and implement programs and services that share a vision of high quality recruitment practices throughout the state of California. TCOE's California Teacher Recruitment Program has been highly successful in recruiting teachers who match the needs of schools in the Central Valley and other high needs districts in the state. Based on 15 years of experience in teacher recruitment and support, TCOE was awarded the 2017 California Center on Teaching Careers (The Center) grant to provide collaborative leadership on a statewide level through seven regional satellite centers (County Offices of Education from Tulare [Lead], Riverside, San Diego, Los Angeles, Sonoma, Ventura, and Shasta) dedicated to increasing the teacher workforce, particularly in the recruitment of ethnically diverse/bilingual math, science, and special education teachers.
- California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC)
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing serves as a state standards board for educator preparation for the public schools of California, the licensing and credentialing of professional educators in the State, the enforcement of professional practices of educators, and the discipline of credential holders in the State of California.
The CTC can answer questions from educators and employing agencies regarding credentialing requirements, policies, and application procedures. You can contact the Certification Division using the following web link:
- California Community Colleges Teacher Preparation Program
California Community Colleges (CCC) - System
The CCC is the largest system of higher education in the nation, with more than 2.1 million students attending 114 colleges. Twenty-three campuses are funded by the CCC Chancellor’s Office’s Education Futures grants, and many more have support from regional community college consortia and local colleges to prepare, recruit and support future teachers. Community College TPPs are expanding pathways to education careers, especially for STEM, career technical education and K-12 hard-to-staff areas. TPP programs align with K12 and postsecondary education pathways, and provide critical services, including advising, counseling, transfer support, mentoring, field work, dual enrollment, test preparation and financial aid information for students exploring the teaching profession. Future teachers can find much support and assistance as they complete lower division coursework at the CCC campuses. Courses are affordable and access is not complicated. Begin your teaching career today at a California community college!
- California Deafblind Services
California Deafblind Services is the federally funded, statewide technical assistance and training project serving individuals from birth to age 21 with combined hearing and vision problems, their families, and service providers. All project services are provided at no cost to recipients.
- California Education Round Table Intersegmental Coordinating Committee
The California Education Round Table is a voluntary association of the chief executive officers of all the state's educational systems. The Intersegmental Coordinating Committee (ICC) is the Round Table's administrative and programmatic arm. One of the Round Table's initiatives is to mobilize the resources of the educational systems to enhance the teaching profession.
- California Math Council
CMC believes that all students have the capacity to become mathematically competent and confident when provided a rigorous and challenging mathematical program supported by high expectations. We are committed to promoting professional activities leading to excellence in teaching, and to increasing the diversity of leadership in mathematics education.
- California Music Educators Association
The California Music Educators Association (CMEA) is the professional organization representing California's 7,200 credentialed music educators. CMEA's vision is to provide all California Students access to a first-class education in music.
- California School Boards Association (CSBA)
The California School Boards Association (CSBA) is a collaborative group of virtually all of the state's more than 1,000 school districts and county offices of education. It brings together school governing boards and their districts and county offices on behalf of California's children. CSBA is a member-driven association that supports the governance team - school board members, superintendents and senior administrative staff - in its complex leadership role.
- California School Employees Association (CSEA)
The California School Employees Association is the largest classified school employees union in the United States, representing nearly 240,000 school support staff throughout California. CSEA members perform a wide range of essential work in our public schools and community colleges, including security, food services, office and clerical work, school maintenance and operations, transportation, academic assistance and Paraeducator services, library and media assistance, computer services and more. CSEA members take great pride in our schools. We have a personal investment in our schools and in our students, because we have a personal commitment to our children and our communities. We are proud to be a part of the educational team that is working toward restoring the California Dream through Education.
- California Speech-Language-Hearing Association (CSHA)
Representing speech-language pathologists (SLPs), SLP assistants, speech aides, audiologists, and families with communication and related disorders.
- California State Council for Exceptional Children
CA State Council for Exceptional Children (CA State CEC) is the state organization of the National CEC. We represent Special Education teachers in all California Schools and future teachers working towards their credentialing in Special Education.
- California State University Monterey Bay
California State University, Monterey Bay offers the Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in Mild to Moderate Support Needs and Extensive Support Needs (including Internship Program), the Preliminary Secondary Education Credential (math, science, social science, English, Spanish, Japanese),the Preliminary Elementary Education Credential , and the Master of Arts (MA) Degree in Education (curriculum and instruction, education administration, and Special Education emphasis available). Our credential programs are approved through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).
- California State University, Chico
If you're going to play basketball, go to UCLA. If you're going to play football, go to Texas. But, if you're going to teach, go to Chico State!
- California State University, Fresno
California State University, Fresno offers the Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in Mild to Moderate Support Needs and Extensive Support Needs (including Internship Program), the Professional Level II Education Specialist Credential in Mild to Moderate Support Needs and Extensive Support Needs, and the Master of Arts (MA) Degree in Special Education. Our credential programs are approved through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), and are part of our accreditation through the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).
- California State University, Fullerton
The Center for Careers in Teaching at CSU-Fullerton is a comprehensive undergraduate advising center for future teachers. We provide career, academic, and personal advising for students planning to teach in elementary school, middle school, high school, special education, and higher education.
- California Teach - University of California - Berkeley
The Cal Teach program encourages STEM majors to consider pursuing careers in teaching by providing early fieldwork experiences with mentor teachers in local schools and also provides coursework and a credential program for those students that intend to pursue mathematics and science teaching.
- California Teach - University of California - Davis - MAST
CalTeach/MAST (Math and Science Teaching) is a program at the University of California, Davis, that is part of the Science and Math Initiative (SMI), a statewide effort to address the shortage of qualified STEM teachers in California. The program is dedicated to preparing undergraduate students for careers in teaching, specifically in STEM fields. It focuses on equipping students with practical teaching skills, classroom experience, and math and science education expertise. Through partnerships with local schools, CalTeach/MAST provides hands-on teaching opportunities, allowing students to participate in STEM focused classrooms.
- California Teach - University of California - Los Angeles
Our goal is to encourage and support students who are interested in exploring K-12 Math or Science teaching. Of courses include 30 hours of observation, participation and assisting in K-12 schools and 2-unit seminars to support those field experiences.
- California Teach - University of California - Riverside
The California Teach Science/Mathematics Initiative (CaTEACH-SMI) is a new UC program initiated by an agreement between the Governor of California and the University of California President. The mission of the program is to increase the number of prepared candidates for Single-Subject Teaching Credential in Science and Mathematics.
- California Teach - University of California - Santa Cruz
UCSC's Cal Teach program is a component of the systemwide University of California Science Mathematics Initiative which recruits and prepares undergraduates for careers in science and math teaching. Undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics majors are placed in paid K-12 internships, take supporting coursework, and receive advising, career professional development, and financial support towards becoming teachers.
- Center for Collaborative Education - CSU Los Angeles
LAUTR is an intensive credential and master’s degree program founded on principles of social justice. Under co-leadership of Cal State University Los Angeles and Center for Collaborative Education, LAUTR provides aspiring urban teachers with rigorous, practical coursework, and training that includes co-teaching with a mentor teacher for an entire school year in high-need schools in Los Angeles. LAUTR offers a $25,000 living stipend for the residency year.
- Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning (CFTL) at WestED
The Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning addresses critical challenges and improves the quality of technology use both in and out of the classroom to increase student learning.
The Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning was founded on the belief that the knowledge and skills of teachers are key to increasing students’ academic achievement and, therefore, should be the foundation of any effort to improve public education. We engage and inform education stakeholders, community members, and policymakers about gaps, barriers, and facilitators to high-quality teaching and learning in a digital age.
- Cerritos College (A California Community College)
Since its founding in 1999, Cerritos College's award-winning Teacher TRAC program has supported aspiring PK-12 educators with a range of valuable services, including internships, scholarships, workshops, education courses, and specialized counseling. The program offers four tailored pathways for future teachers: Early Childhood, Elementary, Secondary, and Career Technical Education.
- CFT – A Union of Educators and Classified Professionals
CFT is a statewide federation of education union locals. We advocate for higher salaries and better working conditions for education employees through collective bargaining, political action, and legislative lobbying, including stronger teacher recruitment efforts.
- Chapman University
Chapman University’s Attallah College of Educational Studies teacher education programs offer personalized instruction and a low student-to-faculty ratio, while integrating hands-on, community-based learning to give students the tools and confidence they need to be successful. Chapman's accelerated programs incorporate master's degrees with several credential options: Multiple Subject, Single Subject, Pupil Personnel Services for School Counseling or for School Psychology, and Special Education in Mild to Moderate Support Needs or Extensive Support Needs.
- City College of San Francisco - (A California Community College)
The Teacher Preparation Center has supported future and current teachers at City College of San Francisco since 1998. Participants can engage in fieldwork/supervised field experience classes and opportunities in early childhood and elementary grades, receive advice on teacher pathways and programs, get academic counseling support for transfer, child development certificates, and graduation, and attend conferences such as the annual and virtual Teach for the Bay Conference, and learn about and apply for early childhood teaching K-12 Para Educator jobs at our annual Child Development Career Fair in spring.
- Coastline Community College (A California Community College)
Coastline offers online teacher preparation pathways where coursework is completed online, (asynchronous) combined with fieldwork at local schools. Coastline's programs are specially designed to meet the needs of students interested in an education/ teaching-related career who prefer online classes and/or cannot always attend traditional face-to-face classes due to employment, marital status, family responsibilities, distance, and expenses incurred with traditional education schedules.
Coastline’s teacher preparation pathways may serve as a career ladder approach to a credential or permit or as stand-alone entities for paraprofessionals. The various pathways include: AA-T Liberal Elementary Education, AA Liberal Studies/ Teaching, AA-T Child Adolescent Development and Certificates of Achievement: Educational Studies: General,Educational Studies, CTE community college/teaching certificate, Educational Studies STEM: Science; Educational Studies Stem: Math, Educational Studies General Educational Studies Stem: Instructional Technology Support, Educational studies ECE unit concentration.
- College of the Canyons (A California Community College)
The TEACH program at College of the Canyons (COC) is a member of the Teacher Preparation Pipeline STEM/CTE Collaborative. Funded by the Education Futures Grant, TEACH is a specialized support system designed to prepare the next generation of future educators who are interested in teaching preschool, transitional kindergarten, K-12 or at college level. TEACH advisors provide supervised fieldwork opportunities, academic and career advisement, professional development workshops and conferences, CBEST and CSET test preparation, and networking opportunities with industry leaders. COC students can also join the Future Educators Club which focuses on civic engagement and offering contextualized learning opportunities.
- Cypress College (A California Community College)
Cypress College and its Teacher Preparation Program have much to offer the future educator. To start, the future educators on our campus receive an education plan and guidance from designated teacher preparation counselors, experts at providing a smooth path toward the ultimate goal, a job in teaching. Additionally, future teachers have access to a book loan program, fieldwork placement and coordination, volunteer opportunities, CBEST training, on-campus speakers, field trips, and much more! Investigate a community college two-year education. Cost: $46/unit plus other fees.
- Dominican University of California
Through small class sizes and individualized attention, Dominican University of California credential students have the opportunity to explore pedagogy and teaching strategies that address the needs of diverse learners, including English learners and students with special needs and gifts. The University's robust connections with the region's school districts provide excellent field-training placements and employment possibilities.
- El Camino College (A California Community College)
The Teacher Preparation Pipeline program at El Camino College is one of ten such programs funded by a California Community College's Chancellor's Office grant. These programs establish pipelines to offer preparation for career technical training in various high-demand Career and Technical Education (CTE) industry sectors, while continuing to provide academic preparation in a real world, experiential learning context. Projects have a regional focus and use a phased or sequenced approach that is responsive to local and regional labor market demands.
- Family SOUP
Family SOUP is a family resource center for children of all ages with special needs serving both families and professionals in a collaborative of trainings, workshops, support groups, fun family activities, and facilitated referrals and support through the service agency and school systems. In our continuing partnership with educators we hope to increase special education teacher recruitment among parents and families of students with special needs.
- Fullerton College (A California Community College)
Provides specialized services and opportunities to students who are pursuing careers in teaching. Services include workshops, early fieldwork placement, and working with area universities regarding dual admissions, blended programs, and articulated curriculum.
- Golden West College (A California Community College)
The Golden West College TEACH3 program offers education students a personalized path to achieve their teaching goals and presents future teachers with the quickest route to the classroom in a supportive atmosphere.
- High Tech High Graduate School of Education
The High Tech High Graduate School of Education provides an embedded, hands-on approach to teacher preparation for candidates to earn a California Preliminary Teaching Credential and M.Ed. in Teaching & Learning. The immersive residency experience at renowned High Tech High K-12 charter schools in San Diego provides an innovative and disruptive context for candidates to reimagine what is possible for the future of education. In Year 1, SDTR residents take coursework and participate in a year-long residency at a partner school in San Diego County. Year 1 culminates with residents earning their CA preliminary teaching credential. In Year 2, our students work as employed teachers while returning one night per week to HTH GSE for continued coursework. Residents use tools from lesson study and continuous improvement to guide an inquiry project connected to a dilemma of practice in their classrooms. Year 2 culminates in a Master’s degree in Teaching & Learning.
- Holy Names University
The mission of the School of Education at Holy Names University is to support and engage educators and researchers who view their work through a lens of equity. HNU offers a Master of Education in Urban Education, Urban Education K-12, and Special Education. Also offered are a Mild to Moderate Support Needs Credential, Single-Subject and Multiple-Subject Credentials, and a Bilingual Authorization. Faculty provide transformative coaching and weekly class visits for a highly supportive and personalized education. Students planning to teach in the public schools are eligible for HNU’s Logan Scholarship, a 50% tuition reduction.
- Jessup University
The Jessup University School of Education offers undergraduate and graduate programs designed to prepare students to teach in public, private, and alternative school settings, and to develop leaders in Education through career advancement opportunities in K-12, post-secondary, and Education Technology. Our Liberal Studies Bachelor's degree offers the option for a California Teaching credential or a concentration in a subject area. Our Master of Arts in Teaching offers Multiple or Single subject credentials. Our Master of Arts in Education embeds the requirements for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC) within the program. Our credential programs are approved through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTCC) and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
- Lemoore College
T.E.A.M (Teaming Educators, Administrators, and Mentors) Teach is a top-notch teacher development program that will provide a high-quality education for our community through effective teaching practices and learning partnerships. T.E.A.M Teach creates a team approach to a successful college experience, college-going advocacy and retention, and strengthening the three stages of the teacher education pipeline (recruit, travel, exit).
- Long Beach City College (A California Community College)
Long Beach City College, Tomorrow's Teachers, provides students with strong supports while pursuing a career in education. LBCC has a clear pathway to the CSU and offers multiple pathways for transfer to complete a teaching credential at a four year institution, as well as outreach opportunities and a Future Teachers Club.
- Los Angeles Mission College (A California Community College)
Los Angeles Mission College is a two-year community college that serves the educational needs of students in the San Fernando Valley. The Teacher Prep Program (TPP) at Mission provides supportive services to future teachers including counseling, workshops, networking opportunities, and much more.
- Marshall Teacher Residency (Summit Preparatory Charter High School)
The Marshall Teacher Residency was designed in partnership between the Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) and Summit Public Schools, building on Summit’s principles for personalized learning along with the CTC Program Standards, the Teacher Performance Expectations, the edTPA, and best practices in teacher education. The residency program is a one-year pre-service credentialing program resulting in a California Preliminary Teaching Credential in Single Subject, Multiple Subject, or Education Specialist (Mild/Moderate Support Needs-MMSN).
- Mills College Oakland, Northeastern
The education of teachers in a liberal arts setting is a proud tradition at Mills College. Our School of Education offers a two-year teacher preparation program that leads to both a teaching credential and master's degree in education. Designed to prepare teachers to excel and flourish in today's complex and challenging school system, our Teachers for Tomorrow's Schools (TTS) Program integrates theory and practice in a curriculum that combines course work and classroom teaching.
- Mount St. Mary's College
MSMC offers teacher credential and masters programs for beginning and experienced teachers interested in public and private school employment. Our state approved programs prepare teachers for elementary, secondary and special education (Mild to Moderate Support Needs) classrooms.
- Mt. San Antonio College (A California Community College)
Being a part of this program provides you with special support and services to help you choose classes, make transfer decisions, and complete a teaching credential in elementary, secondary or special education teaching, as well as an Associate Degree for instructional aides.
- National University
Through the collaboration between the School of Education, the College of Letters and Sciences, and the School of Human Health Services, National University offers teaching credentials at the Bachelors and post-Baccalaureate levels of education to prepare Multiple-Subject, Single-Subject (English, Mathematics, Health Education, Physical Education), Special Education teachers and in Educational Administration, School Psychology and School Counseling.
- Notre Dame de Namur University
NDNU has 5 credential programs: Single Subject, Multiple Subject, Education Specialist (Mild to Moderate Support Needs), Education Specialist (Extensive Support Needs), and Administrative Services. NDNU offers Master’s Programs in Education, Special Education, School Administration, and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). NDNU credential candidates, depending on their credential program, can articulate a minimum of 12 credential units toward their Master’s Degree. Credential and MA courses are taught in-person, online and in hybrid formats. The MA TESOL is a fully online, asynchronous program and also accepts transfer units from TESOL certificate programs at UC San Diego, UC Santa Cruz and Via Lingua.
- Parents Helping Parents
PHP's mission is to help children and adults with special needs receive the support and services they need to reach their full potential by providing information, training, and resources to build strong families and improve systems of care.
- Pathways to Teaching Program
The Pathways to Teaching Program (PTTP) at Santiago Canyon College is designed to promote education to high school and community college students interested in teaching. The program is dedicated to motivating SCC students to successfully transfer to a university in preparation of obtaining a teaching credential.
- Project Tomorrow
The YouthTEACH2Learn Program is a year-long career exploration program where high school students explore teaching as a career. During the course, the high school students gain practical experience by observing elementary school classrooms, learning how to teach, developing and teaching standards-based lessons to younger students in neighboring elementary schools, and participating in local community service projects. In addition, the high school students also have the opportunity to meet local educators, attend career panels, and visit local college campuses in order to determine if teaching is a "good-fit" for their professional goals."
- Rex & Margaret Fortune School of Education
Earn- Learn- Serve. Get paid as a Teacher of Record within an approved school district while attending classes towards a full teaching credential. Complete 6 weeks of online PreService to establish your District Intern Credential.
- Rio Hondo Community College District (A California Community College)
Rio Hondo's Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics - Career Technical Education (STEM-CTE) TEACH program is part of the Teacher Preparation Pipeline/STEM-CTE Collaborative composed of 10 community colleges in the state of California. The collaborative aims to provide a model of contextualized teacher preparation that successfully recruits, trains and supports existing and future educators throughout the state of California in the areas of STEM and CTE.
- Riverside County Office of Education
CTI develops teacher expertise by providing research-based learning opportunities and high-quality mentoring to accelerate teacher effectiveness and student success. Our services include an online induction program and a Special Education Intern program and online Teaching Permit for Statutory Leave (TPSL) training.
- Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE)
Our organization supports early career teacher's professional growth, long-term success and retention by providing professional learning and guidance within the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP).
- Saint Mary's College of CA
We are a graduate school of education that offers credential programs, master's programs, and a bilingual certificate. We also offer integrated credential programs, which allow students to earn their bachelor's degree along with a credential in four years.
- San Diego Christian College
San Diego Christian College is a WASC accredited institution, offering Multiple and Single Subject teaching credentials that are issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Our flexible program makes it easy and affordable to earn your teaching credential. Contact Kimberly Eames to learn more about the program and see if it's right for you!
- San Francisco State University (SFSU)
SFSU programs are designed to meet global challenges through authentic learning experiences in academic and clinical environments. Programs offered meet professional educators’ needs in a variety of degree, credential, and certificate programs. Undergraduate and graduate programs are available at all levels. Browse the Web site for details.
- San Joaquin County Office of Education
The San Joaquin County Office of Education is a regional agency that provides educational leadership, resources, and customized services to assist school districts. The SJCOE promotes student achievement and accountability, serves San Joaquin County’s most vulnerable students, and strives to create an environment in which every student, regardless of circumstances, has an opportunity for a quality education.
- San Ramon Valley Unified School District
SRVUSD ranks among the top 5% of all school districts in California, and the top 2% of all unified districts in the state (California Academic Performance Index, 2006).
- Santa Ana College (A California Community College)
The Center for Teacher Education is a resource center which offers information, academic advisement, and support for students interested in pursuing a career in teaching with an emphasis in preparing students for employment in local public elementary and secondary schools. Our mission is to assist Santa Ana College students to achieve their fullest potential as students, prepare them to transfer to the CSU, UC, or Independent University of their choice, and become excellent teachers and leaders in the field of education.
- Student California Teachers Association (SCTA)
Student California Teachers Association is a pre-professional organization for college students in California who are pursuing careers in education. Our mission is "to offer the tools necessary to foster interest in the education profession, as well as provide pre-professionals information about their rights, responsibilities, and support systems necessary to become a committed part of the education profession." - SCTA Constitution
- Supporting Inclusive Practices (SIP) Project
The Supporting Inclusive Practices, a California Department of Education-funded project, provides tiered technical assistance to support local education agencies (LEAs) in their intentional design and redesign of systems and supports to increase inclusion and achievement of students with disabilities. This includes supporting Institutes of Higher Education (IHE) and related statewide organizations to train and guide teacher candidates/faculty supervisors with a focus on inclusion through an equity, access, and intersectionality lens.
- Teach Ag California
Agricultural education prepares students for successful careers and a lifetime of informed choices in the global agriculture, food, fiber, and natural resources systems. Agriculture teachers are in HIGH DEMAND as California agriculture program enrollment continues to rise. The Teach Ag Campaign is committed to addressing the teacher shortage in California by inspiring our agriculture leaders to consider the influential future that awaits a career in the valued profession of agricultural education.
- TEACH Los Angeles Regional Collaborative
The mission of the Teach Los Angeles Regional Collaborative (Teach LARC), consisting of 12 community colleges, is aligned with the statewide California Community Colleges Teacher Preparation Programs (CCC TPP) “to engage in developing successful teacher preparation programs by facilitating access to strategies, tools and resources that can boost the number and diversity of students entering the education field.”
- Teach Tomorrow in Oakland
TTO recruits and retains local, diverse teachers who make a commitment to Oakland Unified School District for at least five years.
- Teacher Pathway Program and MAESTROs
The Teacher Pathway Program is a cohort program in partnership with CSU Monterey Bay to develop and train future teachers interested in receiving a multiple subject teaching credential. The MAESTROs program also supports future teachers interested in all credentialed programs (single-subject, multiple-subject, and special education) with advising, mentoring, and professional development opportunities.
- Teacher Residencies at GSE
The Teacher Residencies at GSE is a teacher training program that recruits and trains talented individuals of all ages and backgrounds to become highly effective teachers. The program model combines immersive hands-on practice in the classroom with a mentor teacher with educational theory, research, and coursework. It takes place in partnership with TK-12 schools in historically underserved communities, and 97% of graduates obtain full-time teaching positions after completing the program. Candidates complete their Master's Degree and Teaching Credential in one year in this highly supportive pathway with placements across California. Benefits include a living stipend between $10K - $20K, financial aid, testing supports, and priority hiring.
- Teachers College of San Joaquin
Teachers College of San Joaquin (TCSJ) provides a variety of programs for those who want to pursue a career in the field of education. TCSJ offers two program pathways for someone with a bachelor’s degree to earn a preliminary teaching credential: Residency@TCSJ and the IMPACT Intern Program. TCSJ serves over 1,200 students who work across 60 districts in an 8-county region of California. Learn more about TCSJ and our programs at
- Touro University California
The Graduate School of Education at Touro University California’s mission is to promote equitable, diverse, and inclusive education while preparing innovative, culturally responsive educators to serve, lead, and teach with integrity. Touro offers online synchronous coursework to earn a Multiple Subject and Single Subject Teaching Credential, Education Specialist Credential (Mild to Moderate Support Needs, Extensive Support Needs), and a unique Dual Credential that allows students to obtain a Special Education and Multiple or Single Subject Credential simultaneously. Touro has four Master’s programs and a Doctoral program that accommodate working professionals. Touro University California is a private, non-profit institution accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges located on Mare Island, in Vallejo.
- Tulare County Office of Education
The California Teacher Recruitment Program (CTRP), operated by the Tulare County Office of Education, assists school districts in the San Joaquin and Salinas Valleys, Los Angeles County, and Inland Empire area by recruiting and referring a diverse candidate pool of NCLB qualified teachers that are accessible to deciles 1-3 schools, with special emphasis on high-need positions identified by districts, especially in math, English, science and special education. The CTRP also works with local universities in these areas to increase the university pool of candidates available to districts and sponsors teacher fairs within each region in order to assist districts in the hiring process.
- University of California - Davis - School of Education
The UC Davis School of Education (SOE) marshals the knowledge and resources of the world's top public university to confront inequities in K-12 schools and community colleges and to effect and support needed change. We educate and mentor high quality teachers and educational leaders who serve as advocates for all learners. We engage in research and policy analysis focused on student outcomes, and we forge strong partnerships with school districts and organizations to position our graduates to address the greatest challenges facing educators.
The SOE’s research strengths are well aligned with the needs of the state. Efforts in faculty hiring, program development, and partnership building focus on those needs: English learners; assessment; math, science and technology; neurodevelopment and education; literacy; and education policy. We have expanded our work with practicing educators through professional development programs and graduate degree programs designed especially for veteran educators. Our science single subject credential program prepares teachers to align communication, collaboration, inquiry, problem solving, and flexibility with in-depth understanding of content in order to bring high quality, hands-on science education to California's diverse classrooms. Our mathematics single subject credential program prepares teachers to use core teaching practices skillfully and strategically to engage students in meaningful problem-solving, reasoning, sense-making, and discourse. In addition, our mathematics program emphasizes student collaboration, formative assessment, leveraging students’ mathematical strengths, and supporting students’ diverse needs in order to make the content accessible to all students and develop confident mathematics learners. Each UC Davis elementary and secondary credential program (agriculture, English, mathematics, science, and social science) offers the teacher candidate the opportunity to complete the credential program and MA degree in six quarters.
- University of California - Irvine - Division of Continuing Education
UCI Continuing Education delivers relevant application-based programs designed to "teach the teachers." These programs focus on techniques to increase subject matter competency, content knowledge, academic literacy, and content pedagogy, as well as tailored programs to develop new leaders among teachers and administrators who serve to shape the success of individual schools and districts.
- University of Massachusetts Global
University of Massachusetts Global is a private, nonprofit institution accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Senior College and University Commission. The University of Massachusetts Global blends a legacy of academic excellence with an innovative curriculum and strong support services designed for students with busy schedules. The university offers 50+ undergraduate, graduate, credential, certificate, and extended education programs across its five schools in the areas of arts and sciences, business, education, nursing, and health.
- University of San Diego
The Department of Learning and Teaching of the University of San Diego's School of Leadership and Education Sciences offers teacher credential programs, as well as programs in Curriculum and Teaching; Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education; Language, Literacy, and Culture; and Special Education. Our programs are accredited by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), and the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). We are a recent recipient of the Best Practice Award in Support of Global Diversity and Inclusion from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
- University of San Francisco
University of San Francisco is a private university rooted in Jesuit Values. In addition to the Hilltop Campus, there are regional campuses in Sacramento, Santa Rosa, and San Jose which all offer the Teaching Credential program.
- University of San Francisco
The Undergraduate Teacher Education Center at the University of San Francisco offers programs that allow undergraduate students to simultaneously earn their Bachelors degree and CA Preliminary Teaching Credential, including an optional Masters of Arts in Teaching.
- University of the Pacific (UOP) Benerd School of Education
UOP offers undergraduate and graduate credential programs in Single Subject, Multiple Subject and Education Specialist. Our supportive environment allows aspiring teachers to excel.
- USC Rossier School of Education
The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program at the University of Southern California, Rossier School of Education, offers both on-campus and online modality options, preparing students for a teaching career in various settings. The program, spanning approximately 11 months of full-time study, grants teaching credentials and master's degrees. Available credentials include Multiple Subjects and Single Subjects (English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science). To enhance market competitiveness, candidates can pursue additional certifications such as the Education Specialist Credential, Bilingual Authorization in Spanish, and the USC Gifted Education Certificate.
USC Rossier's MAT on-campus program features a Teacher Preparation Residency program in collaboration with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and Ednovate network of schools. The residency program offers students pursuing the on-campus MAT program a full tuition scholarship, a living stipend ranging from $20,000 to $35,000, mentorship from experienced educators and leaders, and 4-years of postgraduate teaching opportunities for valuable experience leading to a fulfilling career in education.
- Vanguard University
The Graduate Program in Education at Vanguard University provides a supportive, reflective learning community in which teachers develop the professional relationships, skills, and knowledge base necessary to empower ALL students to reach their highest potential. This program integrates vibrant Christian faith with all facets of learning and life.
- Western Governors University (WGU)
Ranked #1 by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), accredited by National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), and recognized as an National Education Association partner because of their affordable tuition and competency-based approach to education, WGU Teachers College is the place to go if you are serious about making a difference as an educator.