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TEACH California is an online resource for people considering a teaching career.
The TEACH California website is the California Department of Education's (CDE) primary web effort for recruiting individuals to the teaching profession. It is sponsored by CDE's Special Education Division.
California faces a shortage of special education, mathematics, and science teachers. With a special focus on these shortage areas, the TEACH California website is designed to recruit individuals to the teaching profession, explain the teacher preparation process, assist prospective teachers in creating their plan to become credentialed teachers, provide relevant content, partner with related public and non-profit entities, and offer links to important resources.
To find out what your next steps are in becoming a California teacher, go to the TEACH California website, California's one-stop information center for future teachers. Make the difference of a lifetime. Teach!
Teacher Supply in California — A Report to the Legislature - Annual Report, 2015-2016 (Released: April 2017)
Overall findings for the fiscal year 2015-16 are summarized below:
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