What to Think About When Looking for a California Teaching Job
There are many things to think about when you start searching for a job:
Of course, you want to know where the jobs are! You can get a good idea about this by
using DataQuest and registering
online with EdJoin, California's education job Web site.
You should also think about the kind of place you want to live. Do you like small towns or
do you thrive in large cities? What about living inland, or by the mountains, or maybe by the coast? You
may not immediately find jobs in your ideal location, but geography is something to consider.
Salary. As a new teacher, your salary will be at the beginning of the salary scale. One
thing to keep in mind, though, is the fact that each school district sets its own salary scale and benefits.
Other factors. How close do you need to live near your family? Are there other reasons
why you should try to find a job in certain locations?