As far as my particular day, and I think I can speak for other people who work with this population, there is a component where planning is really, really important. “What do you want to do that day? What are the goals for that day?” You have a big picture and then you have a small picture because when you are working with young people who have behavior and emotional difficulties, on any given day, the plan is going to change. I get here in the morning, check phone messages, catch up on paperwork, set up appointments with some of our students, check on how they are doing, and maybe talk with our staff. I’ll ask “How is so and so doing on the job?” I might talk with teachers, “How are they doing in class? What can we do together?” I might talk with adult service providers and come up with ideas, make program changes, or work on curriculum. The nature of the job is it’s a thousand little jobs that, depending upon the day, some may be longer, some may be shorter.